Thursday, April 4, 2013

Scrapbooking Supplies Day

I hope everyone is staying dry over these past few rainy days, but you know what they say...April Showers bring May flowers! So we must have a lot to look forward to in May based on the weather we have had over the past couple of days.

Today is our Scrapbooking Supplies Day. Some may say that items such as scrapbooking supplies are arbitrary to a family who is faced with a sick baby, that there are more important things to worry about when you are in the NICU day in and day out, and to them I might be right.

However, as I look at the scrapbook that my mother made for me and my two younger sisters with such detail and precision, I think to myself - isn't that what every mother wishes she could be doing instead of holding their precious baby's fingers through the hole of an incubator? Of course it is. My scrapbook has every breath documented, every lost curl from my head is glued on the page and all of my important milestones covered with glitter and glue.

The milestones the babies in the NICU experience may be different, but from the day they are born each parent celebrates them with the same excitement! The March of Dimes NICU Family Support Program at UAB offers scrapbooking opportunities to those parents as a way to immortalize each memory and each accomplishment that their newborn achieves. A scrapbooking hobby is not cheap though, so today I am collecting supplies so that the mothers and fathers can continue to archive each day and each precious memory!

If you feel lead to donate, please contact me using the contact information located on the flyer below.


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